

Half Step, Whole Step
Chord p.2
Major Triad
Major Third
minor third
minor triad

Chord:  More than one note played or sung together.

Pick a scale, any scale, and play it a couple times on a piano. Now play every other note starting on the bottom note. You should have played scale degrees 1 3 5 and 7. Using an E scale that would be E G# B and D#.

Putting the 7 aside for a few lessons, now play 1 3 and 5 at the same time. That was a chord; a major chord.

If your scale was C then it was a C Major chord with the notes C E G.
If your scale was E♭ then that was an E♭ Major chord with the notes E♭ G B♭.

Those chords are triads - three notes played simultaneously.

A triad is always a chord but a chord is not always a triad (as when it has other than 3 notes).

Click to hear a Major Triad